Virgin news by Pirginia


You'd never believe it and neither do I... quite. How many times have I dreamed of going to Hawaii, but said it couldn't happen...but it did. How nice a dream that Virginia should spend that time in the islands! An even bigger improbability.....but she did. And how many times have I thought of try- ing to get the story and true nature of TVism before a group of psychiatrists. This too was pretty unlikely.. ...but I did. But when all three of these events occur ed at the same time... well, we get into some rather astronomical probability factors. Nevertheless, between Aug 27 and Sept 12 all three occurred. It couldn't happen but it did.

Last year when the American Psychiatric Assoc- iation had its convention in L. A. I attended a few of the meetings. I saw the notice that there would be a meeting in Hawaii in Sept. of 1965. I thought to myself that it would be real great to go there and then I forgot it for many months. The questionaires kept coming in and when I had acquired a large enough number and decided that there wouldnt be any more I sent them up to Berkeley to have them tabulated by the computer. When this was done in the late spring I remembered the Hawaiian meeting and found out who the Program Chairman was. I wrote and asked about giving a paper about Transvestites. I received back an application form with space for a resume of the рарег. I filled it out and returned it and was really somewhat amazed to receive a letter several weeks